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Paraphimosis Treatment in Delhi

Paraphimosis is a condition that mainly affects males who have not been circumcised. It develops when you can not pull forward your foreskin over the tip of penis. This is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention from a healthcare provider. If you are experiencing something like this, consult with Dr Monga’s in Delhi immediately and get the best paraphimosis treatment.

What Is Paraphimosis? 

Paraphimosis poses a significant risk when the foreskin becomes trapped behind the head of the penis, making it impossible to retract. This complication exclusively affects uncircumcised individuals.

The foreskin, a protective tissue enveloping the penile head, is often surgically removed shortly after birth through circumcision.

In the absence of circumcision, the foreskin can be retracted to reveal the penile head. However, if it becomes entrapped in this position, it may obstruct blood circulation to the penile head, necessitating immediate medical attention.

How common is this condition?

Research suggests that paraphimosis affects approximately 0.2% of uncircumcised children between 4 months and 12 years old. Among uncircumcised individuals aged 16 years and older, the prevalence increases to 1%. This occurrence is comparatively less frequent than other foreskin-related issues within both age groups.

Paraphimosis Symptoms 

In addition to the inability to retract the foreskin over the penile head, other indications of paraphimosis may include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Discoloration
  • Discomfort in urinating.

How long does paraphimosis last? 

Paraphimosis persists until it receives proper treatment. If the blood flow to the tip of the penis is obstructed, tissue damage can start within a matter of hours.

Paraphimosis Causes 

Several factors can lead to the entrapment of the foreskin. These include pulling it back for urination or cleaning purposes, during sexual activity, or by a healthcare provider during a medical examination or procedure, such as catheter insertion.

The reasons preventing the foreskin from being retracted back over the penile head include:

  • Extended period of retraction: If you or a caregiver does not return the foreskin to its original position after pulling it back, prolonged exposure in this state can result in swelling at the tip of the penis, making it impossible for the foreskin to cover it again.
  • Tight foreskin (phimosis): Phimosis, a condition characterized by a constricting foreskin that cannot be retracted, can predispose individuals to paraphimosis. Attempting to force the foreskin back may exacerbate the situation, making it challenging to reposition it.
  • Infection: Poor hygiene practices or engaging in sexual activity without proper cleanliness can lead to infections, causing pain and swelling at the tip of the penis, which may obstruct the foreskin from returning to its original position.
  • Piercings: Pain and swelling because of penis piercings can hinder the retraction of the foreskin back over the penile head after it has been pulled back.

Paraphimosis Diagnosis 

If you find your foreskin stuck, it is absolutely necessary to contact your doctor immediately. They will likely advise you to either visit their office or proceed to an emergency room. A medical professional can diagnose paraphimosis based on your reported symptoms and through a physical examination.

Paraphimosis Treatment 

Doctors employ various methods to provide you relief from paraphimosis. Initially, they aim to reduce swelling and reposition the foreskin. This can be achieved through:

  • Gentle compression of the foreskin and penile head for a brief duration or wrapping it tightly with a bandage
  • Administration of medication either through injection into the foreskin or topical application to facilitate fluid drainage from the tissue
  • Creating small incisions in the foreskin using a needle to allow fluid release
  • Employing a needle and syringe to extract fluid from the affected area.

Once the swelling subsides, the doctor will attempt to carefully retract the foreskin over the penile head. They may administer local anesthesia to minimize discomfort. Additionally, antibiotic ointment might be prescribed to address any minor abrasions or tears.

If manual repositioning of the foreskin proves unsuccessful, surgical intervention may be necessary:

  • Your doctor may perform a small incision in the foreskin to facilitate its loosening.
  • Alternatively, a complete circumcision may be recommended, involving the removal of the foreskin.

Paraphimosis treatment at home

Attempting to self-treat paraphimosis is not advisable. While you may attempt to alleviate swelling by gently squeezing the tip of your penis to aid the foreskin in sliding back over it, forcing it can result in injury.

Avoid using ice to reduce swelling, as this can obstruct blood flow to the tip of your penis, worsening the situation.

Paraphimosis Complications

Paraphimosis constitutes a medical emergency due to the risk of compromised circulation, which can result in damage to the skin and underlying tissue of the penis. In severe cases, this may necessitate partial or complete amputation of the penile tip.

Paraphimosis Prevention

The best way to prevent paraphimosis is by removing the foreskin entirely through circumcision. If you are not open to going ahead with it, you can prevent paraphimosis by maintaining foreskin hygiene and being cautious during medical procedures. Here are some tips:

  • After retracting your foreskin for urination, cleaning, or sexual activity, ensure it is returned to its original position.
  • Following any medical procedure or examination that involves moving the foreskin, ensure it is properly repositioned.
  • Avoid leaving the foreskin retracted longer than necessary to prevent complications.
  • If a piercing impedes foreskin movement, consider its removal to reduce the risk of paraphimosis.

Additionally, individuals who have experienced paraphimosis once are at increased risk of recurrence. In such cases, a doctor may recommend circumcision as a preventive measure.


Paraphimosis can really cause a lot of problems in your life and getting it treated immediately is the best way to avoid any possible complications, like tissue damage or potential amputation.

If you are also unable to retract your foreskin, you should promptly book a consultation with Dr Monga’s in Delhi to get a quick relief from your troubles.


Initially, doctors attempt to reduce swelling in the penis to facilitate the retraction of the foreskin. If this approach proves ineffective, they may opt to make a small incision in the foreskin or perform a complete removal of it, known as circumcision.

No, it does not. Repositioning the foreskin typically requires a medical intervention.

The doctor will aim to reduce swelling of the foreskin and the penile head, often by applying gentle pressure or administering medication to eliminate excess fluid. Subsequently, they will delicately reposition the foreskin. While it may be possible to attempt this procedure independently, forcing it can lead to foreskin damage.

 Indeed, when blood flow is impeded, tissue damage can occur within a matter of hours. Without prompt treatment, there is a risk of irreversible damage, potentially necessitating partial or complete amputation of the penile tip.

Gently retract the foreskin over the head of the penis as far as is comfortable. Hold this position for 30 to 40 seconds, then release. Repeat this process approximately 10 times. It is important to avoid applying excessive force when retracting the foreskin to prevent potential injuries. There, however, is no scientific evidence to prove that this method will work for everyone.

The foreskin should retract adequately during urination to expose the meatus, the opening from which urine flows. This ensures that urine does not accumulate beneath the foreskin, reducing the risk of infection. However, if the foreskin does not retract easily, cleaning only the outside is sufficient.

An infant’s foreskin possesses unique cell properties akin to stem cells, making them versatile for cultivating skin cells. Consequently, they are not discarded as medical waste following a birth.

Following circumcision in adults under general anesthesia with an intraoperative penile block, pain typically ranges from mild to moderate. Severe pain is uncommon and typically associated with complications. Younger patients tend to experience more discomfort.

Shenot,P. J. (2015, May). Phimosis and paraphimosis (

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