Nasal Allergy (RHINITIS)

The following information is for educational purpose only and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalised recommendations.

  • Do you have runny nose?
  • Do you have nasal itching or sneezing?
  • Are you suffering from sore and scratchy throat?
  • Is this seasonal?


What is Nasal Allergy (Rhinitis)

In the past, allergic rhinitis was considered to be a disorder localized to the nose and nasal passages, but current evidence indicates that it may represent a component of systemic air way disease involving the entire respiratory tract. Cold air-provoked respiratory symptoms are frequent in countries with a cold climate. Approximately 50% of healthy and allergic subjects report cold air- induced rhinorrhoea (“the skier’s nose”).

Types of Rhinitis

  • IgE-mediated (allergic): IgE-mediated inflammation of the nasal mucosa, resulting in eosinophilic and Th2-cell infiltration of the nasal lining
  • Autonomic:Drug-induced (rhinitis medicamentosa), hypothyroidism, hormonal, non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophilia syndrome (NARES)
  • Infectious:Precipitated by viral (most common), bacterial, or fungal infection
  • Idiopathic:Aetiology cannot be determined


Testing is typically performed using the allergens relevant to the patient’s environment (e.g., pollen, animal dander, moulds and house dust mites). A reasonable alternative to skin prick testing is the use of allergen-specific IgE tests (e.g., radioallergosorbent tests [RASTs]) that provide an in vitro measure of a patient’s specific IgE levels against particular allergens.


  • Runny nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Nasal itching
  • Sneezing

Risk factors

Allergic rhinitis is the way some people respond to outdoor or indoor allergens.Outdoor triggers of allergic rhinitis include ragweed, grass, tree pollen, and mould spores. Indoor triggers include dust mites, pet dander, or mould that grows in humid indoor places such as carpets. They are also at risk for developing sinusitis, sleep disorders (including snoring and sleep apnoea), nasal polyps, and ear infections.

Ayurvedic perspective of Allergic rhinitis

From an Ayurvedic perspective, the primary cause of allergies is due to the accumulation of ama (toxins, or metabolic waste products) caused by an imbalance of the agni (digestive fire). All those Ahara&Vihara which are having viruddha guna of particular disease of that individual are considered as satyma (which is tolerated to body) & which is not satyma is Asatyma. Towards this asatyma body gives different response which may contribute to allergic manifestation. In Ayurveda an interesting concept of Oka satyma i.e. acquired satyma was explained by Acharyas. Oka satyma is a use of asatyma ahara&vihara in very small dose for long period so that asatyma become satyma for that particular individual. The concept of Oka satyma resembles with Allergy shots (Allergen immunotherapy) given by modern medicine. Viruddh aahara means combination of two or more food material having antagonist properties which may lead to allergic response.


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