Frozen Shoulder

The following information is for educational purpose only and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalised recommendations.

frozen shoulder


Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is a debilitating condition affecting the shoulder joint. It manifests as progressive stiffness, pain, and limited range of motion, significantly impeding daily activities. This condition typically advances through stages, making early recognition and intervention vital for successful management.


Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is characterized by a distinct set of symptoms that progress through stages. Understanding these symptoms is crucial for timely diagnosis and effective management.

Gradual Onset of Pain: The initial symptom is often a dull, aching pain in the shoulder. This pain may start mildly and gradually intensify over time.

Shoulder Stiffness: Stiffness in the shoulder joint is a hallmark symptom. Individuals may notice difficulty moving their shoulder, especially when trying to raise the arm or rotate it.

Limited Range of Motion: As the condition progresses, individuals experience a significant reduction in the range of motion in the affected shoulder. This limitation can affect daily activities such as reaching, dressing, or combing hair.

Pain at Night: Pain tends to worsen at night, disrupting sleep and contributing to overall discomfort. The reasons behind increased nighttime pain are not entirely clear but are characteristic of frozen shoulder.

Painful Activities: Specific movements, such as reaching overhead or behind the back, can trigger sharp or stabbing pain. The pain is often disproportionate to the activity performed.

Muscle Weakness: Prolonged stiffness and limited use of the shoulder can lead to muscle weakness in the surrounding area.

Painful Activities: Simple daily activities, like reaching for an object on a high shelf or attempting to fasten a seatbelt, become challenging and painful.

Progression Through Stages: Frozen shoulder typically progresses through stages – the painful stage, the frozen stage characterized by increased stiffness, and the thawing stage with gradual improvement.

Limited Functionality: The cumulative impact of these symptoms is a significant reduction in the overall functionality of the affected shoulder, impacting both work and leisure activities.


Understanding the causes Frozen Shoulder helps in identifying risk factors and tailoring preventive measures. Early intervention is crucial in managing the condition, and addressing underlying causes can contribute to more effective treatment strategies. Individuals experiencing symptoms of frozen shoulder, such as persistent pain and stiffness, should seek medical attention for a comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis.

The causes of frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, are multifactorial and can involve a combination of factors. Here are several contributing factors:

Inflammation of the Shoulder Capsule:
Inflammatory processes within the shoulder joint, possibly triggered by injury, trauma, or overuse, can lead to the thickening and tightening of the shoulder capsule.

Prolonged Immobilization:
Extended periods of shoulder immobility, whether due to injury, surgery, or certain medical conditions, can contribute to the development of frozen shoulder. Lack of movement may lead to the formation of adhesions within the joint.

Individuals with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing frozen shoulder. The exact connection is not fully understood, but there appears to be a higher incidence among diabetic patients.

Other Medical Conditions:
Certain medical conditions, including thyroid disorders, cardiovascular disease, and autoimmune conditions, have been associated with an elevated risk of frozen shoulder.

Age and Gender:
Frozen shoulder is more common in individuals aged 40 and older, and women are generally more susceptible than men. Hormonal factors may contribute to this gender discrepancy.

Shoulder Trauma or Surgery:
Previous shoulder injuries, surgeries, or fractures can predispose individuals to the development of frozen shoulder. The body’s natural response to trauma may lead to inflammation and subsequent adhesive capsulitis.

Genetic Predisposition:
Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to developing conditions like frozen shoulder. Family history may play a role in determining susceptibility.

Systemic Diseases:
Diseases affecting the body’s connective tissues, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, can contribute to the development of frozen shoulder.


Preventing frozen shoulder involves a combination of maintaining shoulder mobility, adopting healthy lifestyle practices, and addressing underlying risk factors. These preventive measures can contribute to reducing the risk of frozen shoulder. If you experience persistent shoulder pain, stiffness, or limited range of motion, seek prompt medical attention for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. While not all cases can be prevented, especially when related to medical conditions, following these preventive measures may reduce the risk of developing frozen shoulder:

Regular Shoulder Exercises:
Engage in regular shoulder exercises to maintain joint flexibility and prevent stiffness.
Include range-of-motion exercises such as arm circles and pendulum swings in your daily routine.

Gradual Increase in Activity:
Avoid sudden, intense increases in shoulder activity, especially if you are not accustomed to such movements.
Gradually progress in activities that involve the shoulder to prevent overuse injuries.

Maintain Good Posture:
Practice good posture to reduce stress on the shoulders.
Avoid slouching or sitting in positions that can contribute to shoulder strain.

Balanced and Nutritious Diet:
Maintain a healthy, balanced diet to support overall joint health.
Adequate intake of nutrients like vitamins C and D can contribute to joint health.

Control Blood Sugar Levels:
If you have diabetes, manage and control your blood sugar levels to reduce the risk of developing frozen shoulder.

Avoid Prolonged Immobilization:
After surgery or injury, follow healthcare provider recommendations for rehabilitation exercises.
Avoid prolonged immobilization, as it can contribute to the development of frozen shoulder.

Early Treatment of Shoulder Injuries:
Seek prompt medical attention for any shoulder injuries or trauma.
Early treatment can help prevent complications that may lead to frozen shoulder.

Regular Health Checkups:
Regularly monitor and manage any underlying medical conditions that could increase the risk of frozen shoulder, such as thyroid disorders or cardiovascular disease.

Stay Active:
Engage in regular physical activity to promote overall joint health.
Include activities that involve gentle shoulder movements to maintain flexibility.

Consult with Healthcare Professionals:
If you have risk factors such as diabetes or a family history of frozen shoulder, consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice and preventive measures.


An accurate diagnosis is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan. If frozen shoulder is confirmed, the healthcare provider will tailor interventions to manage pain, improve range of motion, and address underlying contributing factors. Early diagnosis and intervention can contribute to better outcomes in the management of frozen shoulder.  The diagnosis of frozen shoulder involves a comprehensive assessment by a healthcare professional, typically a primary care physician, orthopedic specialist, or a rheumatologist. The process includes a combination of medical history review, physical examination, and, in some cases, imaging studies. Here is an overview of the diagnostic process for frozen shoulder:

Medical History:
The healthcare provider will start by taking a detailed medical history, including information about the onset of symptoms, any previous shoulder injuries, surgeries, or relevant medical conditions.
Questions about the nature of the pain, its duration, and any factors that worsen or alleviate symptoms will be explored.

Physical Examination:
A thorough physical examination is conducted to assess the range of motion, strength, and flexibility of the affected shoulder. The healthcare provider may check for signs of inflammation, swelling, or deformities around the shoulder joint.

Range of Motion Assessment:
Specific tests are performed to evaluate the range of motion of the shoulder joint. This helps identify limitations and patterns of stiffness characteristic of frozen shoulder.

Imaging Studies:
X-rays: Although X-rays do not directly show the soft tissues of the shoulder, they can help rule out other conditions such as fractures or arthritis.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): This imaging modality provides detailed images of the soft tissues, including the shoulder capsule and surrounding structures. It is useful in confirming the diagnosis and ruling out other shoulder conditions.

In some cases, an arthrogram may be performed. This involves injecting contrast dye into the shoulder joint before imaging studies, providing a clearer view of the joint space.

Blood Tests:
Blood tests may be conducted to check for underlying medical conditions that could contribute to shoulder symptoms, such as diabetes or autoimmune disorders.

Elimination of Other Conditions:
The diagnostic process involves ruling out other potential causes of shoulder pain and stiffness, such as rotator cuff injuries, bursitis, or osteoarthritis.

Collaboration with Specialists:
Depending on the complexity of the case, the healthcare provider may collaborate with specialists such as rheumatologists or orthopedic surgeons for a more in-depth evaluation.


The allopathic approach to treating frozen shoulder focuses on a combination of pain management, physical therapy, and, in some cases, medical interventions. The goal is to alleviate pain, improve shoulder mobility, and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals affected by frozen shoulder. Here is an overview of the allopathic approach:

Pain Management:
Over-the-Counter Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, may be recommended to reduce pain and inflammation.
Prescription Medications: In some cases, stronger pain medications or muscle relaxants may be prescribed to manage pain and discomfort.

Physical Therapy:
Range of Motion Exercises: Physical therapists design specific exercises to gradually improve shoulder mobility and flexibility.
Strengthening Exercises: Targeted exercises aim to strengthen the muscles around the shoulder joint, aiding in better support and stability.
Heat and Ice Therapy: The application of heat or cold packs may be recommended to help manage pain and reduce inflammation.

Corticosteroid Injections:
In cases of persistent pain and inflammation, corticosteroid injections may be administered directly into the shoulder joint. These injections can provide temporary relief by reducing inflammation.

Joint Distension:
Joint distension involves injecting sterile water into the joint capsule to stretch and expand it. This procedure aims to improve shoulder mobility by breaking up adhesions.

Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA):
MUA is a controlled, forceful manipulation of the shoulder joint while the patient is under anesthesia. This procedure helps break up adhesions and improve range of motion. It is typically performed in cases where conservative measures have not yielded significant improvement.

Home Exercises:
Patients are often prescribed specific home exercises to complement the work done in physical therapy. Regular adherence to these exercises is crucial for ongoing improvement.

In rare cases where conservative treatments are ineffective, and the condition is significantly impacting daily life, surgical interventions may be considered. Procedures may include arthroscopic release or capsular release, aimed at cutting or releasing tight ligaments and tissues to improve shoulder mobility.


Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to treating frozen shoulder. The Ayurvedic approach focuses on restoring balance to the body’s doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and addressing the underlying causes of the condition. Here’s an overview of the Ayurvedic approach in treating frozen shoulder:

Dosha Assessment:
Ayurvedic practitioners assess the individual’s constitution (Prakriti) and the current state of doshic balance (Vikriti). Frozen shoulder is often considered a Vata imbalance disorder.

Herbal Remedies:
Ayurvedic herbs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties may be prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation. Commonly used herbs include Ashwagandha, Guggulu, and Shallaki.

Dietary Modifications:
A tailored diet is recommended to pacify aggravated Vata dosha. This may include warming and nourishing foods, such as soups, stews, and ghee.
Avoiding cold or raw foods that may exacerbate Vata imbalance is often advised.

Lifestyle Modifications:
Ayurvedic lifestyle recommendations emphasize maintaining a regular routine, incorporating gentle exercises, and ensuring adequate rest to balance Vata.

Yoga and Pranayama:
Specific yoga postures and controlled breathing techniques (Pranayama) are recommended to improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and balance the body’s energy.

Individualized Approach:
Ayurvedic treatment is highly individualized, with the focus on addressing the unique constitution and imbalances of each patient.


Panchakarma, an integral part of Ayurveda, plays a significant role in treating frozen shoulder. Panchakarma therapies aim to balance the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and eliminate accumulated toxins (ama) from the body. In the context of frozen shoulder, Panchakarma can address the root causes, reduce inflammation, and enhance joint flexibility. Here’s an overview of the role of Panchakarma in treating frozen shoulder:

Abhyanga (Oil Massage):
Abhyanga involves a full-body or localized massage using warm medicated oils. In the context of frozen shoulder, targeted oil massage around the affected shoulder helps improve blood circulation, reduce stiffness, and alleviate pain.

Swedana (Sweating Therapy):
Swedana therapies, such as Nadi Swedana (localized steam therapy), help induce sweating. This aids in the elimination of toxins, improves circulation, and relaxes the muscles around the shoulder joint.

Basti (Enema):
Basti, particularly Niruha Basti (medicated decoction enema), is beneficial for treating Vata imbalances. It helps lubricate the joints and nourish the tissues, reducing stiffness and promoting flexibility in the shoulder.

Pinda Swedana (Bolus Massage):
Pinda Swedana involves massaging the body with boluses containing a mixture of herbal powders and rice. This therapy helps reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and enhance joint mobility.

Nasya (Nasal Administration):
Nasya involves administering medicated oils or herbal preparations through the nasal passages. This helps balance Vata dosha and has a systemic effect on the entire body, including the shoulder joint.

Virechana (Purgation Therapy):
In some cases, Virechana may be recommended to eliminate excess Pitta and toxins from the body. This purification process supports overall detoxification and may have a positive impact on inflammatory conditions.

Specific Basti for Vata Disorders:
Anuvasana Basti (oil enema) and Sneha Basti (ghee enema) are specific forms of Basti used to nourish and lubricate the joints in Vata disorders like frozen shoulder. These therapies provide deep-seated relief to the affected area.

Shirodhara (Oil Pouring on Forehead):
Shirodhara involves a continuous stream of warm oil poured onto the forehead. This calming therapy helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation, potentially benefiting the overall management of frozen shoulder.

Lifestyle Recommendations:
Panchakarma includes guidance on lifestyle modifications, emphasizing a balanced routine, suitable exercises, and dietary adjustments to maintain the benefits achieved through the therapies.


At Dr. Monga Clinic, we specialize in integrated pain management, combining the strengths of allopathy, Ayurveda, and Panchkarma. We often use a combination of approaches, including medications, physical therapy, lifestyle modifications to treat sciatica pain. You can consult with us for a proper diagnosis and an individualized treatment plan based on your specific condition.

We at Dr Monga Medi Clinic carry out the treatment for Frozen Shoulder through a combination of Ayurveda and allopathy that helps in providing a well-rounded treatment plan, addressing both symptom relief and the root causes of frozen shoulder. This integrated approach aims to optimize patient outcomes and improve overall quality of life. Combining Ayurveda and allopathy in the treatment of frozen shoulder can offer a comprehensive and integrated approach, addressing both symptom relief and the underlying imbalances.


Recovery time varies. With appropriate treatment and adherence to recommendations, improvement can be seen within weeks to months. Severe cases may take longer.

While frozen shoulder can be a prolonged condition, timely and appropriate treatment can significantly improve symptoms, and many individuals experience full recovery.

Ayurvedic treatment involves a holistic approach, addressing imbalances in doshas. It includes herbal remedies, oil massage (Abhyanga), sweating therapies (Swedana), Basti (enema), and lifestyle modifications.

Preventive measures include maintaining shoulder mobility through regular exercises, avoiding prolonged immobilization, and managing underlying medical conditions.


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