Lower Back Pain

The following information is for educational purpose only and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalised recommendations.

  • Do you feel any difficulties while sitting?
  • Do you have any piercing pain on your legs?
  • Are you suffering from Low back pain while climbing stairs?


What is Lower Back Pain / Joint Pain?

Back side portion is a complex structure that provides support for pelvis, legs, ribcage, arms and skull.  A common pain occurs in lower back occurs  due to sciatica, a condition in which a herniated or ruptured disc presses on the sciatic nerve, which extends down the spinal column to its exit point in the pelvis and carries nerve fibres to the leg. The compression leads to lower back combined with pain, and often numbness, which radiates through the buttocks and down one leg to below the knee. In the most extreme cases, the patient experiences weakness in addition to numbness and pain, this suggests the need for quick evaluation.


Back Pain can be Divided Anatomically

  • Neck pain
  • Middle back pain
  • Lower back pain or tailbone pain

By Its Duration

  • Acute (less than 4 weeks),
  • Sub-acute (4 – 12 weeks),
  • Chronic (greater than 12 weeks).


Low back pain: Usually a dull ache on one side of lower back which extend into the thigh.

Buttock Pain: Pain can range from an ache to a sharp stabbing pain (sudden, sharp, piercing pain)that extends down one or both legs.

Low back pain while climbing stairs: Activities that require the pelvis to twist may produce SI joint between the sacrum and ilium joints of the pelvics)pain.

Difficulty sitting: Often experienced as an ache on one side that causes you to shift weight to one side to relieve the pain in the other.

Causes of Back Pain

Some common causes of back pain include:

  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis are two forms of arthritis linked to back pain. Back pain most often comes from muscles, ligaments and joints which are caused by injury, inflammation, tension, and spasm or muscle imbalance.
  • Muscle and ligament strain: More dangerous to soft tissue injuries such as sprains (stretching or tearing ligaments) and strains (injuring muscles or tendons). Stretching a ligament or muscle too far or too quickly can result in a tear of the tissue. Excessive force and repetitive use may also damage muscles.
  • Osteoporosis: It is a disease characterised by loss of bone density and strength. The vertebrae can become so porous and brittle that they break easily causing pain due to a fracture of the vertebrae.
  • Sciatica: It develops when the nerve that runs from the lower back into the leg is compressed by a bulging intervertebral disc, causing pain.
  • Stress: It leads to increase in muscle tension followed by fatigue, stiffness and localised pain. Regular tight muscles can create imbalances in a person’s posture and cause misalignment of the spine.
  • Structural problems: Lifelong bad posture, osteoporosis and genetic conditions (such as kyphosis, a curving of the upper back (sometimes called hunchback), and scoliosis, which produces a sideways curve) can cause pain by putting added stress on the structures of the spinal column.

Diagnosis of Low Back Pain

High-tech imaging methods like CT scan and MRI are overused for acute low back pain. The presence of red flags for infection, fracture, or more serious disease will likely require an MRI or CT scan. If a patient has signs of caudaequina syndrome, a serious injury to the spinal cord causing symptoms such as leg weakness, perineal numbness (numbness between the inner thighs) and difficulty urinating), permanent neurological damage may result if this syndrome is left untreated.

Ayurvedic Perspective of Low Back Pain & Joint Pain

Kati Vasti involves retention of warm thick medicated oil over the lower back or other parts of the spine for certain period.As medicated oil gets deeply absorbed into the skin it both nourishes and strengthens the muscles and nerves. This is the one of the best treatment for healthy bone, muscle, vertebrae, spine, and nerves of lower back.Ashwagandha powder and SidhMakardhwajreported to relieve pain in tender and swollen joints, and increased mobility in arthritis.


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