How to boost the Immune system against Corona Virus?

The following information is for educational purpose only and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalised recommendations.


Boost Immune system against Viruses?

COVID 19, the name itself is enough to make us feel scared in the current time. The situation that we are facing in recent days due to the outbreak of Covid19 is extremely distressful and critical. Countries worldwide are trying their best to find proper medicines or vaccines to get relief from this pandemic. What can help us in leading a healthy life in this pandemic condition is our strong immunity. We need to make our immunity system healthy to stay protected from COVID 19 besides taking other hygiene protection.

Besides allopaths and homoeopaths, people can rely on Ayurvedic treatments to boost immunity as a preventive measure from Coronavirus. Everyone is suggested to take precautionary measures to stay safe, and here the ayurvedic treatment can help you a lot. You can contact trained practitioners for the best advice and instructions. The ayurvedic doctors are no way claiming that their medications will kill the virus of Corona. What they are recommending is medication and certain exercises that can boost the immunity level of the people.

As per Ayurveda, it is necessary to follow the proper diet chart and for which you can take a look at Our Treatments-Immunity booster packages. It is necessary to balance the Kapha so that the channels to the lungs can remain open. Pitta dosha is also to be maintained so that you will never get attacked by fever. Hence it is suggested to take more fresh fruits and vegetables such as spinach, etc. The ayurvedic practitioners also suggest taking herbs like tulsi, neem, etc., which are easily available at home. Having tea made with tulsi, haldi, ginger, and coriander seeds will boost the immunity power within your body.

The doctors here also suggest to make tongue scrapping and gargling a habit so that the micro-organism can be removed and the organs can get stimulated. If you use ginger water with salt for gargling, it will not allow the virus to settle down. Drinking water at a regular interval is also a good habit of reducing the chances of getting affected by the Coronavirus. Research reveals that Covid19 effects badly on lungs; hence the doctors always suggest taking special care of your lungs. The Online Consultation/Counseling available with the doctors can be a great help for you. Ayurveda also suggests some breathing exercises to reduce the getting infected with this deadly virus.

We understand the situation surrounding us is very critical, and many of us are still confused and don’t understand what we need to do exactly to keep us strong in the odd hours of life. Please stay connected with your ayurvedic doctors and follow the instructions given by them. This will help you keep you and your family safe and strong in the corona days. For reviews, you can search online, and we are sure this will bring you closer to the ayurvedic doctor to know about immunity building techniques. Connect with your doctor today.

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