Category: Gastro Problems

FISSURE treatment


FISSURE OVERVIEW An anal fissure is a common condition characterized by small tears or cracks in the lining of the anal canal. Typically caused by factors like straining during bowel movements

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FISTULA OVERVIEW A fistula is a medical problem that happens when an abnormal connection forms between two organs or body parts that aren’t supposed to be connected. This connection creates an

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OVERVIEW – CONSTIPATION Constipation is when you have trouble pooping regularly. It means you might not go to the bathroom as often as usual, and when you do, it can be

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Diarrhea, GERD, gastro


GERD – AN OVERVIEW Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a chronic condition characterized by the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. This often leads to symptoms such as heartburn, regurgitation,

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ACIDITY – AN OVERVIEW Acidity, a common digestive ailment, arises when the gastric glands in the stomach produce an excess of stomach acid. While stomach acid is essential for digestion, an

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Overview What is Constipation? Symptoms Causes How we help More on Infectious Diseases Constipation – Overview xxxx What is Constipation? Constipation also called Anaha in Ayurveda is a condition in which

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Piles – Hemorrhoid

PILES (HEMORRHOID) OVERVIEW Piles also called as a hemorrhoid are swollen tissues that contain veins. Piles are located in the wall of the rectum and anus and may cause minor bleeding

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Hyper Acidity

Do you feel any burning sensation behind chest bones? Do you have any problem while swallowing? Do you have pain in stomach? Are you suffering from occasional coughing or wheezing?  

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Are you suffering from constipation? Do you have pain, sometimes severe, during bowel movements? Do you have Itching or irritation around the anus? Do you have any foul smelling discharge?  

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