Hair Dryness

The following information is for educational purpose only and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalised recommendations.



  • Do you have a frizzy hair?
  • Is your hair dry and brittle?
  • Are you suffering from dandruff?
  • Your hair is more prone to breakage?


What do you mean by Dry Hair?

Dry hair does not have enough moisture or oil content to maintain its normal shine, luster or texture in the hair.

Sheen (shininess) and luster are the two important signs of healthy hair. A healthy hair consists of three layers- the outer layer protects the inner layers. Natural oils present in the outer layer reflect light making hair shiny. In case of dry hair the outer layer breaks down which leads to dull and unhealthy hair. Dry hair reduces shine and it makes your hair appear frizzy, unmanageable and lifeless. It causes itching and discomfort which may also further leads to breakage. It can affect both men and women at any age.

Symptoms of Hair Dryness

Dry hair leads to dry scalp. They are less manageable, occurrence of dandruff. Dry hairs are frizzy, stiffer and more prone to breakage. Itching and dullness are some common symptoms of hair dryness.

Causes of Hair Dryness

A variety of factors are present which leads to hair dryness, including

Environmental conditions: Over exposure to minerals like chlorine, exposure to UV radiation, pollution and climatic conditions.

Hair care habits includes: Excessive hair washing, use of harsh shampoo, conditioner, electric curling iron and straighteners, blow drying (hair dryer), frequent chemical treatment.

Health problem: Anorexia nervosa (malnutrition), Hyperparathyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Menkes Kinky Hair Disease and menopause.

Medications: Medicines like blood thinners, anti-cancer drugs, birth control pills or antidepressants lead to dry hair.

Ayurvedic perspective of Hair Dryness

In Ayurveda Hair dryness is categorized under kshudraroga. It occurs due to imbalance of doshas- pitta, vata and kapha which regulates the normal functioning of the body. Dryness of hair can be treated with some homely techniques like: cover your hair with cloth or put on a cap or hat before going outdoors, avoid excessive exposure to dry air, avoid shampooing daily, avoid electric styling of hair, prevent frequent hair colouring, use protein rich conditioners after every wash and blow dry hair less frequently. Beside these healthy eating habits and hot oil massage helps to treat dry hair. Coconut oil, almond oil helps in treating hair dryness. Some herbs which helps to treat dry scalp and ultimately dry hair and prevent itching are: Azadirachtaindica(Neem), Emblicaofficinalis(Amla), Acaciaconcinna(shikakai),Lawsoniainermi(henna- it provides natural conditioning to hair), Fenugreek (methi), Sapindusmukorossi(reetha). Beside all these the following plants help in treating hypothyroidism which ultimately helps in treating dry hair:Tinosporacordifolia, Aswagandha, Silajit, Guggula, Boerhaviadiffusa.


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