Tennis Elbow

The following information is for educational purpose only and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalised recommendations.

tennis elbow


Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a common condition affecting the outer part of the elbow. Despite its name, it’s not exclusive to tennis players and can affect anyone engaging in repetitive arm motions or overuse of the forearm muscles.  The elbow is a hinge joint where three bones – the humerus, radius, and ulna – meet. Tennis elbow specifically involves the lateral epicondyle, a bony bump on the outer part of the humerus. This area is crucial for the attachment of forearm muscles and tendons.


Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, manifests through a range of symptoms that can impact daily activities and overall arm functionality. Early recognition of these signs is crucial for prompt intervention and effective management. Following are the symptoms associated with tennis elbow:

Pain and Tenderness:
The hallmark symptom is pain on the outer part of the elbow, specifically around the lateral epicondyle. Tenderness may be experienced when touching or pressing on the affected area.

Weakened Grip Strength:
Individuals with tennis elbow often notice a reduction in grip strength.
Difficulty in firmly holding objects, such as a coffee cup or a doorknob, may be evident.

Stiffness in the elbow joint, particularly after periods of inactivity, is a common symptom.
Morning stiffness or stiffness after prolonged rest may be noticeable.

Pain with Specific Movements:
Pain can intensify with certain movements, such as gripping, lifting, or twisting the forearm.
Activities that involve wrist extension, like shaking hands, can trigger discomfort.

Radiating Pain:
Pain may radiate down the forearm, spreading from the outer elbow to the wrist and sometimes the back of the hand. The discomfort may be more pronounced during activities that engage the forearm muscles.

Worsening Symptoms Over Time:
Initially, symptoms may be mild, but without proper management, they can escalate.
Over time, persistent pain and functional limitations may impact daily life and work activities.


While tennis players are commonly associated with this condition due to the repetitive arm movements involved in the sport, it can affect anyone engaged in activities like gardening, painting, typing, or using hand tools extensively. Certain occupations and hobbies that involve repetitive forearm motion increase the risk.  The primary cause of tennis elbow is repetitive stress on the forearm tendons, leading to microtears and inflammation. Activities such as gripping, lifting, or repetitive use of the wrist can contribute to the development of this condition. Poor technique during sports or everyday tasks can also be a contributing factor.

Key causes of this discomforting condition.

Repetitive Stress and Overuse
The primary trigger for tennis elbow is the repetitive stress and overuse of the forearm muscles. Engaging in activities that involve gripping, twisting, or lifting can strain the tendons attached to the lateral epicondyle. This constant strain can lead to microtears in the tendon tissue, initiating the inflammatory response.

Occupational Factors
Certain occupations increase the risk of developing tennis elbow due to repetitive forearm motion. Jobs that involve extensive typing, the use of hand tools, or repetitive gripping, such as in construction or carpentry, may contribute to the development of this condition.

Sporting Activities
While tennis players are often associated with tennis elbow, any sport or physical activity that involves repetitive arm movements can be a contributing factor. Activities like racquet sports, weightlifting, and even activities requiring frequent use of a computer mouse can put individuals at risk.

Poor Technique
Incorrect technique during physical activities or sports can exacerbate the risk of tennis elbow. Improper form while gripping, lifting, or performing repetitive tasks can lead to increased strain on the forearm muscles and tendons, making them more susceptible to injury.

Age and Gender
Tennis elbow commonly affects individuals between the ages of 30 and 50, but it can occur at any age. Additionally, certain studies suggest that men may be more prone to developing tennis elbow than women.


Preventing tennis elbow involves adopting proactive measures to reduce the risk of overuse and strain on the forearm muscles and tendons. Whether you’re an athlete, engage in repetitive activities, or simply want to safeguard your arm health, here are effective strategies for preventing tennis elbow. By incorporating these preventive measures into your routine, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing tennis elbow. If you have specific concerns or are already experiencing symptoms, consult with our healthcare professionals for personalized guidance on injury prevention and overall arm health.

Ergonomic Practices:
Ensure proper ergonomics at work and home to minimize strain. Adjust your workspace to maintain a neutral wrist position during activities like typing.

Technique and Form:
Whether you’re playing sports or performing daily tasks, pay attention to proper technique. Incorrect form can contribute to overuse and increase the risk of tennis elbow.

Equipment Selection:
Use appropriate equipment with grips that suit your hand size. For athletes, this includes selecting the right-sized tennis racket, golf club, or other sporting gear.

Warm-up and Stretching:
Prior to engaging in activities that stress the forearm, perform warm-up exercises to increase blood flow. Incorporate stretching to improve flexibility in the forearm muscles.

Strengthening Exercises:
Include specific strengthening exercises for the forearm and wrist in your fitness routine. Strengthening these muscles can provide better support during repetitive tasks.

Rest and Recovery:
Allow adequate time for rest and recovery, especially if you engage in repetitive activities. Take breaks to avoid continuous strain on the forearm muscles.

Avoid Overloading:
Be mindful of the amount of force exerted during activities. Avoid excessive force when gripping or lifting objects, as it can contribute to overuse injuries.

Protective Measures:
For activities with a higher risk of strain, such as racquet sports, consider using protective gear like elbow braces or straps to provide support to the tendons.

Variation in Activities:
Introduce variety into your physical activities. Avoid prolonged, repetitive movements and incorporate different exercises to distribute the workload across various muscle groups.

Professional Guidance:
If you’re starting a new sport or activity, seek guidance from a professional coach or trainer to ensure you’re using proper techniques and equipment.

Listen to Your Body:
Pay attention to early signs of discomfort or strain. If you experience mild pain, consider modifying your activities and seeking advice from a healthcare professional.


Accurate diagnosis is fundamental to effective management of tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis. A comprehensive assessment by a healthcare professional is crucial to differentiate it from other potential causes of elbow pain. Here’s a detailed look at the diagnostic process for tennis elbow.

Medical History:
The diagnostic journey begins with a detailed discussion of your medical history. Your healthcare provider will inquire about your symptoms, activities that may contribute to elbow strain, and any relevant past injuries.

Physical Examination:
A thorough physical examination is conducted to assess the extent of pain and tenderness. Your healthcare professional will examine the outer part of your elbow, checking for swelling, warmth, or other signs of inflammation.

Specific Tests:
Your healthcare provider may perform specific tests to evaluate the strength and flexibility of your forearm muscles. For instance, the “Cozen’s test” involves resisting wrist extension, eliciting pain if the lateral epicondyle is affected.

Imaging Studies:
While the diagnosis of tennis elbow is primarily clinical, imaging studies may be recommended to rule out other potential causes of elbow pain. X-rays can help visualize the bones, ruling out fractures or arthritis.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):
In some cases, an MRI may be suggested to provide a more detailed view of soft tissues, including the tendons around the lateral epicondyle. This can help confirm the presence of inflammation or tears.

Differential Diagnosis:
The healthcare provider will consider other conditions that may present with similar symptoms, such as radial tunnel syndrome, arthritis, or nerve entrapment. A precise diagnosis ensures appropriate treatment strategies.

Collaboration between Specialists:
In complex cases or when the diagnosis is not straightforward, your healthcare provider may collaborate with orthopedic specialists or other relevant professionals to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.

Patient Input:
Your input is vital in the diagnostic process. Providing detailed information about the onset, duration, and characteristics of your symptoms helps in refining the diagnosis and tailoring a personalized treatment plan.

Monitoring Response to Treatment:
If a tentative diagnosis of tennis elbow is made, your healthcare provider may initiate a conservative treatment plan. Monitoring your response to treatment is an essential aspect of confirming the diagnosis and adjusting the management approach if needed.


In the allopathic approach to treating tennis elbow, the focus is on managing pain, reducing inflammation, and promoting the healing of the affected tendons. The treatment plan may vary based on the severity of symptoms and individual factors. Here’s a detailed look at the allopathic strategies employed in addressing tennis elbow:

Pain Medication:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, are commonly prescribed to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.

Topical Analgesics:
Topical creams or patches containing analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents may be recommended to provide localized relief.

Physical Therapy:
Physical therapy plays a crucial role in the management of tennis elbow. Therapeutic exercises, stretching routines, and strengthening exercises are designed to improve flexibility, reduce strain, and enhance overall forearm function.

Bracing or Splinting:
Wearing a brace or splint may be advised to provide support and limit movement, helping to reduce strain on the affected tendons.

Corticosteroid Injections:
In cases of persistent pain and inflammation, corticosteroid injections directly into the affected area may be recommended for their potent anti-inflammatory effects. However, these are generally reserved for more severe cases due to potential side effects.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT):
ESWT involves the use of shock waves to stimulate healing in the affected tendons. It’s considered in cases where conservative measures have not provided sufficient relief.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections:
PRP injections involve using a concentration of the patient’s own blood platelets to promote healing. This approach is under investigation for its potential benefits in treating tennis elbow.

Activity Modification:
Guidance on modifying activities to avoid overuse and strain is often provided to support the healing process.

Follow-Up and Monitoring:
Regular follow-up appointments with healthcare professionals are essential to monitor progress, adjust the treatment plan if necessary, and ensure optimal healing.

Surgical Intervention (In Rare Cases):
Surgical intervention is considered in cases where conservative measures have failed to provide relief. Procedures may include removing damaged tissue or reattaching tendons to the lateral epicondyle.

Holistic Approach:
Integrating the allopathic approach with other complementary therapies, such as physical therapy and ergonomic adjustments, enhances the overall effectiveness of the treatment plan.


In Ayurveda, the treatment of tennis elbow involves a holistic approach that focuses on restoring balance in the body’s energies (doshas), promoting overall well-being, and addressing the root cause of the condition. Here’s a detailed look at the Ayurvedic strategies employed in treating tennis elbow:

Balancing Doshas:
Ayurveda views tennis elbow as an imbalance in the Vata dosha, which governs movement and the nervous system. Treatment aims at pacifying excess Vata through lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and herbal remedies.

Herbal Remedies:
Herbal formulations containing anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties are commonly prescribed. Ingredients like Ashwagandha, Guggul, and Turmeric may be used to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.

Ayurvedic Dietary Guidelines:
Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet is integral to Ayurvedic treatment. This may include incorporating warm, nourishing foods and avoiding cold, dry, or processed foods that can aggravate Vata.

Lifestyle Modifications:
Ayurvedic principles guide individuals to align their lifestyle with their unique constitution (Prakriti) and make adjustments to activities and routines that may exacerbate Vata imbalance.

Yoga and Pranayama:
Specific yoga postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayama) can be beneficial in enhancing flexibility, reducing stress, and promoting overall well-being.

Ayurvedic Joint Care Formulations:
Ayurvedic formulations designed for joint health, such as Yograj Guggulu or Shallaki, may be prescribed to support the overall health of the musculoskeletal system.

Practical Guidance for Daily Living:
Ayurvedic practitioners offer personalized advice on daily routines, sleep patterns, and stress management to maintain balance and prevent recurrence.


Panchakarma, a profound therapeutic modality in Ayurveda, plays a significant role in the comprehensive treatment of tennis elbow. This ancient detoxification and rejuvenation process aim to restore balance to the body, enhance vitality, and address the root cause of various conditions, including tennis elbow.

Abhyanga (Oil Massage):
Abhyanga is often an integral part of Panchakarma. The therapeutic oil massage helps improve circulation, reduce stiffness, and enhance flexibility in the forearm muscles, aiding in the recovery from tennis elbow.

Swedana (Sweating Therapy):
Swedana, involving inducing sweat through steam therapy or warm compresses, complements the detoxification process. It aids in eliminating toxins and promoting the overall health of the joints and muscles.

Taila Dhara (Oil Pouring):
Taila Dhara involves the continuous pouring of warm herbal oils over the affected area. This targeted therapy can help reduce pain and inflammation in the elbow region.

Our healthcare professionals utilize the wisdom of Panchakarma, blending it with modern insights, to provide a comprehensive and personalized approach to tennis elbow treatment. If you are interested in exploring the role of Panchakarma in your healing journey, schedule a consultation to experience the holistic benefits of this ancient Ayurvedic therapy.


Welcome to our clinic, where we combine the precision of modern allopathic medicine with the holistic principles of Ayurveda to offer an integrated approach for treating Tennis Elbow. Our aim is to provide you with comprehensive care, addressing the root cause of the condition and promoting overall well-being. Based on the diagnosis, a customized care plan is developed, taking into account the severity of symptoms, lifestyle factors, and your overall health.

At our clinic, we specialize in an integrated approach to tennis elbow treatment. Combining modern allopathic medicine with Ayurvedic principles, we tailor a personalized plan to alleviate pain, enhance functionality, and address the root cause of your symptoms. If you’re grappling with tennis elbow symptoms, schedule a consultation with our experienced team to embark on a path towards effective relief and recovery.

We emphasize a thorough and patient-centric approach to diagnosis. If you’re experiencing symptoms suggestive of tennis elbow, reach out to our healthcare professionals for a detailed evaluation and personalized care plan. Early intervention enhances the likelihood of successful treatment and a swift return to optimal arm function.

Our healthcare professionals carefully tailor the allopathic+ayurvedic approach to your individual needs, aiming for a balance between pain management and fostering the natural healing process. If you are experiencing symptoms of tennis elbow, schedule a consultation to explore how our integrated approach can provide you with comprehensive and personalized care.


Accurate diagnosis is crucial. If you’re experiencing elbow pain, it’s recommended to consult with our healthcare professionals for a thorough examination and appropriate diagnostic tests to determine the specific cause of your symptoms.

If you experience persistent or worsening symptoms, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive assessment. Early intervention enhances the likelihood of successful treatment and minimizes the impact on your daily life.

The duration of treatment varies based on the severity of the condition and individual response. Our healthcare professionals will assess your case and provide a personalized timeline for recovery.

Our integrated approach aims to minimize side effects. However, individual responses may vary. Our healthcare team closely monitors your progress to ensure a safe and effective treatment.

Depending on the severity of your condition, you may need to make adjustments to your daily activities. Our healthcare professionals provide guidance on activity modification to support your healing process.

Surgery is typically considered as a last resort when conservative measures have not provided relief. Our healthcare professionals explore non-surgical options first, tailoring the treatment plan to your specific needs and the severity of your condition.

While our integrated approach aims to reduce the reliance on medications, our healthcare professionals may provide guidance on the appropriate use of over-the-counter pain medications if necessary. It’s essential to follow their recommendations.


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