Diabetic patients are at higher risk of COVID-19

The following information is for educational purpose only and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalised recommendations.

COVID-19, the current epidemic has vitiated people of all ages worldwide. The eruption has wide-ranging impact effecting more than 23 million clans worldwide. Multitudinous types of corona virus, gamut from uncouth cold to severe virus like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), is said to be passed on from animals to people. In grave cases, corona virus unfurl in lungs in form of pneumonia, kidney failure, and even demise.

Covid-19 effects on Diabetes / Diabetic patients

Diabetes is said to increase the infections. COVID-19 patients who are also diabetics are forced to face worse prognosis because of multiple factors. Such patients had a greater risk of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease.

It is important to understand that COVID-19 is causing severe metabolic complications of preexisting diabetes. Diabetic patient has to take uttermost provision to circumvent the virus. The rise and drop of blood glucose in a diabetic sufferer compromises the immunity and makes them more susceptible to infections. The virus may thrive in elevated blood glucose, hence insulin intake is impeccable.

Points to Keep in Mind :

  1. Scrubbing hands often and remain steer clear of superfluous touching of face.
  2. Avoiding worthless travel and stick to communal isolation.
  3. Monitoring good glycemic control, staying hydrated and making mandatory continuous glucose monitoring or Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP) test.
  4. Gestational diabetes mothers impose soaring risk of virus which can be shielded by breast feeding/ maintaining virtuous respiratory hygiene, skin to skin touch, and sharing the room with the baby.
  5. To have all apropos contact details and abundant excess to water and medications.
  6. Categorize foods with moderate glycemic index and limit imbibing carbohydrates, sugar, fat, and fried foods. Selecting lean proteins, green leafy vegetables, and fruits upkeep the immunity.
  7. Washing hands often and sterilizing things and facet should be demented.
  8.  No sharing of food, clothes, and objects. Try to circumvent exposure with anyone manifesting symptoms.
  9. Casing the mouth while sneezing and use of mask.
  10. If run into flu like indications, medical guidance should be of prime importance.
  11. When living solely, have somebody to count during the hour of crises.
  12. Keep up a methodical plan of tasks and have quality sleep swatch.

Consistent tangible activity is benefited to universal inhabitants and individuals living with diabetes.

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