Those Hunger Pangs may be Saying Something

The following information is for educational purpose only and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalised recommendations.

hunger pangs

‘Even after you eat, do you still feel very hungry?’ If it is happening frequently than you possibly have eating disorder or maybe it is a symptom of diabetes.

The sudden increase in appetite can be a medical condition. That is because your muscles are not getting the energy that they need from the food and your body’s insulin resistance keeps glucose from entering the muscle and providing energy. This lack of energy causes an increase in hunger. First and foremost you should consult a doctor to check whether your hunger is a symptom of diabetes or another medical condition.

Frequent hunger is a classic sign of diabetes. It occurs because of extremely high blood sugar levels and is typically accompanied by other symptoms, including excessive thirst, fatigue, and weight loss.

The main sign of increased appetite is excessive craving that doesn’t go away by simply eating more food or eating more regularly than normal. It is different than having an increased hunger after exercise or other physical activity. While your hunger level will return to normal after eating in those cases, in diabetes it will not go away if you eat more food. Instead, the underlying cause needs to be addressed.

However, one should not get confused between extreme hunger that is arising because of diabetes and binge eating.  With diabetes not only extreme hunger will be the sign. You may also have other symptoms also.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet can also be very helpful in controlling excessive hunger. To avoid the cravings of low sugar or empty stomach, eat regularly, especially breakfast. It is commonly said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because at this time of the day the body is “breaking the fast” from the night before.  A protein-based breakfast should keep cravings away at least until the afternoon. Take green and leafy vegetables, moong dal adequately. Consumption of garlic, onions, some bitter and healthy herbs like aloe-vera can reduce sugar levels. Say no to excess intake of sweet fruits like pineapple, grapes, mangoes, and simple refined carbohydrates etc.

Do not take stress and get enough sound sleep, it helps in regulating the appetite-stimulating hormone. Keep yourself hydrated with drinking enough water. Avoiding alcohol and smoking can be instrumental in managing diabetes.

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