Diabetes Induced Erectile Dysfunction

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Diabetes induced Erectile Dysfunction

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Erectile dysfunction is a sexual problem in men where they suffer from impotence. Around 35% to 75% of men who suffer from diabetes suffer from this ailment at some stage of their life or the other. The degree of severity varies from person to person.

Men who suffer from diabetes suffer from this problem around 10 to 15 years earlier than people who do not suffer from diabetes. With increase in age among patients (men) keep on increasing, the severity of the problem also increases. When the age of men with diabetes crosses 50, there are 50% to 60% men who suffer from this ailment more severely. As the age crosses 70, the tendency to suffer from this problem is about 95%. As the age increases, the problem evidently surfaces more.

Why do men with diabetes suffer more from this problem?

There are several complicated reasons which are responsible and can be the answer to the query as why men with diabetes suffer more from this problem. These include complications with the muscles, blood vesicles and nerves. Here are certain aspects that men need for healthy erection. These include good health of:

• Blood vessels
• Nerves
• Male hormones
• A desire to be sexually stimulated

Even if men have enough amounts of hormones, the lack of desire will not allow him to get an erection. This leads to a feeling of stress and dissatisfaction among men which in turn makes the condition worse even faster. Get in touch with Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga and Dr.Jyoti Arora Monga at Dr.Monga Health World to get the right information, testing and treatment today!

Remedies for the problem related to Diabetes induced erectile dysfunction:

There are N numbers of remedial measures available for men who suffer from this problem. These include the below mentioned points:

• Oral medications like sildenafil (Revatio or Viagra)
• Tadalafil (Adcircaorcialis)
• Avanafil (Stendra)
• Vardenafil (LevitraorStaxyn)

However, there are other aspects associated with the treatments. These include the heart conditions of the patients. So, before taking these medicines, one needs to talk to the doctor.

Well, there are some of the other therapies that you can get by consulting the experts of the industry. These include:

• Intracavernous injection therapy
• Venous constriction devices
• Intraurethral therapy
• Penile prostheses
• Sex therapy
• Vacuum erection devices

The above are most commonly known therapies offered to the patients of Diabetes induced erectile dysfunction. Doctor consultation is a must for getting the remedies for this problem. For more information, contact Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga and Dr. Jyoti Arora Monga at Dr.Monga Medi Clinic.

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