Joint Pain can be treated with Ayurveda

The following information is for educational purpose only and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalised recommendations.


Recently, a patient is in his mid 40’s visited my clinic. He was suffering from severe joint pains. Just a month back his personal physician had put him on regular pain killers. Since, modern science does not believe in body constitution, he advised him without bothering to know about his Prakriti (nature)  and disease type.

He was told, “Joint Pain is a normal part of ageing. You will have to learn to live with it.” Is mid 40’s an age of severe Joint Pains? If yes, than why do ancient texts of Ayurveda believes in ‘Shathayu’ (hundred years of life), for suffering from merciless pain?

Joint Pains, is getting very common in cosmopolitans. It can be Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, sprains and strains, chronic fatigue syndrome, Bursitis, Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Osteomyelitis, Gout, Tendinitis, and the list is endless.

Our ancient text supports comprehensive diagnosis of the malady through Dashavida Pariksha (Ten-fold examination), Trividha (Three-fold examination) and Ashta Stana Pariksha (Eight-fold examination). The treatment of diseases like joint pains, arthritis, spinal and musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) can commence once the steps are taken to understand the problem in detail (nidana panchaka) and only after a complete examination of the patient. It clarifies that Ayurveda gives no liberty and space to quacks, but there proliferation is extremely unfortunate.

As mentioned in Shastrokt Ayurveda, Shamana Chikitsa (Palliable treatment in the form of oral medication) and Rasayana Chikitsa (Rejuvenating treatments and medicines to avoid recurrences) are very effective in joint pains.

Ayurvedic preparation like Kaishora Guggulu (includes Guggulu – Commiphora mukul) is extensively beneficial for Gout (Vatarakta / Vatashonita) and can be used with other herbal formulations. Other medicinal preparation namely amirthadi satvam, amirthadi guggulu, varatiktadi kashayamayapathra triphala; Ellumnishadi Churnam, Guduci Patradi Churnam can be smeared as lepa while dhanyamla dhara can be used for curbing and burning sensation. 

Luke warm Bala Kshira Dhara also relieves the pain instantaneously.

How do we treat Joint Pain

We at Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi Clinic, has been successfully treating patients with various kind of join pains.  Our approach is different yet effective as we believe that more than medicines, certain lifestyle changes help you overcome ailments like joint pains.  We spend time with our patients to correctly diagnose the problem and then recommend the most suitable treatment for the same, which may include Ayurvedic or a combination of Ayurvedic and modern medicines, lifestyle counselling and diet counselling.

Dr. Monga Ayurvedic Medi Clinic has been promoting Ethical Ayurveda with a legacy of over 75 years of experience with the motto “to adopt an empathetic approach towards the patients”. It reinforces positive re-assurance and getting the best treatment to their satisfaction at low-cost.  

Dr Jyoti Monga, B.A.M.S., Ayurveda Practitioner is a Female Biological Disorders Expert and deals in weight gain/loss programs, diet counselling, Gastroenterology – Piles, Fissures, Constipation, Acidity/ Gastritis, etc., Joint Pains and women health issues, viz., Menstrual disorders/ Irregularities, Ovulation problem due to Polycystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOD), Acnes, Female Infertility issues etc. 

Dr. Yuvraj Monga, MBBS, MD follows an integrated approach to treating Allergies, Joint Pains, Hypertension, Diabetes, male problems like Premature Ejaculation, Erectile dysfunction. Performance Anxiety, etc.

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